Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Back to the Blog

No, I haven't left the blog to rot... I've just been doing a lot of portraits and not blogging. Anyway, here are some of recent drawings I've done:

Both are Pentel pocket-brush on 11x14" bristol.

I came across a page recently on the Drawn.ca messageboard with links to PDFs of some highly-regarded art/illustration instruction books from the 1930s and 40s by Andrew Loomis:
Fun With a Pencil
Figure Drawing For All It's Worth
Successful Drawing
Eye of the Painter

Note that that download site makes you go through a few hoops, but just click the 'free' option. It'll also make you wait between downloads, so you'll have to space them out over a few hours.

The books must be seen to be believed - they contain some of the most useful information on drawing that you can get. Beyond that, they are each full of hundreds of stunning Loomis illustrations. I really wish I'd known about these books back in art college. Don't pass on the Fun with a Pencil because of the title, it's a very sophisticated yet easy to understand book that covers a much of what's in Figure Drawing and Successful Drawing.

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